Sunday, May 26, 2019

Dealing with Insurance Companies in Guam

Dealing with Insurance Companies in Guam

Shortly after your accident, it’s likely that an insurance representative from the at-fault party’s insurance company will contact you. It’s important to understand that the insurance company’s goal is to deny liability and pay you as little as possible.

Contrary to what the ads in their commercials, they do not have your best interests at heart.

They are in the business of making profits and will engage in several strategies to deny or devalue your claim.

It is always best to retain a lawyer prior to engaging in any contact with the insurance company but here are a few tips to keep in mind when dealing with insurance companies:

Do not give a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance adjuster. Insurance adjusters are trained to get you to say something incriminating that could devalue or ruin your claim.

Do Not Accept what the Insurance Adjuster tells you

An insurance adjuster will often tease a “take it or leave it” offer. Don’t fall for it. They are most likely low-balling you and getting you to settle for far less money than what you should receive.

The true nature and extent of your injuries will not be known so soon after your accident.

Do Not Sign a Medical or Employment Records Authorization

If you sign these documents, you are giving the insurance company access to your private medical and wage loss records.

Take Advantage of our 25 + Years of Experience

Dededo Law Office has extensive experience dealing with insurance companies — both in negotiations and aggressive litigation in court. Insurance companies know we mean business; they don’t want to come up against us in trial.

They know that we put all our time, money and resources into helping our clients achieve a favorable settlement or verdict. Our willingness to file a lawsuit can sometimes put additional pressure on the insurance company to settle the case fairly.

When the negligent actions of another individual or business cause you harm, you have the right to pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Let us assist in filing a personal injury claim and negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company so that you and your family can the settlement you deserve.

Call us today. The Law is on your side.

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